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CLASSES at Lacis

Register by email at info@lacismuseum.org, by phone, or in person at the museum shop.

Stay abreast of all new workshops and updates by signing up for our monthly newsletter, following our Facebook page, or checking back at this page periodically. Your input is important to us. Please feel free to let us know exactly what kinds of textile arts classes would be of the most interest to you!

Class Schedule

January - March 2025

Embroidery Magic    •    Tatted Hearts    •    Embroidery Sampler    •    Visible Mending
   •    Regency Corset    •    Sashiko    •    Intro. to Embroidery: Magpie    •    Beginning Tatting    •    Embroider on Clothes    •    Embroidery Lettering

         Embroidery Magic: A 5-Day Workshop
         with Laura Tandeske

         Mon. - Fri., Jan. 20 - 24 — 10 AM to 3:30 PM

This is first and foremost an embroidery workshop. We will go over stitches, technique, design and design transfer, and anything else students would like.
     We'll discuss the magic of intention that can be applied to embroidery, and talk about the symbolism of color and using certain shapes to convey an intention. I will showcase some of my most personal pieces that are not shared with any other class. We will also talk about the healing properties of doing this slow art! If you would like further details about this class, please email Laura at tandeskeembroidery@gmail.com.

INSTRUCTOR: Laura Tandeske has been embroidering for 40+ years specializing in Surface Embroidery. She studied Fine Art at California State University East Bay, and embroidery with the Embroiderers Guild of America and San Francisco School of Needlework and Design. She has been teaching embroidery for 8 years. Her piece called "Balance" toured the United States and Canada as part of the 2-year Sixteenth National Exhibit with the Embroiderers Guild of America. She has won numerous awards including "Best in Show" at the California State Fair in Sacramento.

Laura's Website   •   Download Registration Form

         Intermediate Tatting: Valentine's Day Hearts
         with Kevin Baum

         Sat., Feb. 1 — 12:30 PM to 4 PM

Come celebrate Valentine's Day with this festive tatting class designed for past students of Kevin's Beginning Tatting Classes. Elevate your tatting skills to create an heirloom tatted Valentine!
    Students will need to know the shuttle tatting basics: the double stitch, how to create and connect rings and picots. Under Kevin's guidance, students will begin their Valentine Day's projects. Students will choose one from several hearts, from easy to advanced. Finishing and blocking your finish heart will be discussed.

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Kevin is a freelance professional singer with Bay Area groups like Clerestory and Endersnight. He learned tatting in order to keep the tradition alive and as a viable activity that could be done while traveling.

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         Surface Embroidery Sampler: A 5-Day Workshop
         with Laura Tandeske

         Mon.-Fri., February 17-21 — 10 AM to 3:30 PM

This is a week-long course where we deep dive into the Surface Embroidery stitch groups and you will design your own sampler. An optional 1:1, 1 hour feedback review will be offered as a follow-up when you finish your sampler to gain insights on your progress. This workshop is designed to be a continuation of the Foundation Series so all the stitches taught will be different from Foundations. (There are hundreds of stitches to choose from!) If you are a new student and just want to dive in this would be a good class for you as well (no previous experience required).

Laura's Website   •   Registration Form

         Visible Mending: The Boro Way
         with Pattie Klimek

         Sat., Feb. 8 — 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM

Threadbare jeans, a hole in your favorite jacket, a worn spot in your tote bag? All these can be the springboard for creativity!
    Mend your garments and accessories with simple embroidery and Sashiko stitches. Learn to do inside and outside applique along with other darning techniques using the running stitch, buttonhole stitch, and simple Sashiko stitches. Pattie will show you how to do the running stitch and basic embroidery stitches, along with Sashiko patterns, to give your clothes new life with eye-popping details.
    New to sewing? Never fear! This class is appropriate for beginners!

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         A Fashionable Fit: Regency & Romantic Era Corsets
         with Catherine Scholar

         Sat., Feb. 22 & Sat., Mar. 1 — 10 AM to 5 PM

Elevate your Regency and early Victorian wardrobe with a custom-fitted period-style corset. These corsets are appropriate for the years 1800-1840. They are soft and comfortable, and can be made hip-length or shorter, front- or back-lacing... or both! If you think you're too curvy to look good in Regency gowns, this corset may change your mind.
    In the class, we will review styles of the Regency Era, and then, using a pattern based on an original corset, work on your foundation garment. We will cover measurements, fitting, pattern adjustments, construction, and ways to make your corset size adjustable.

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Catherine Scholar read Little House on the Prairie at age five and has been obsessed with historic clothing ever since. She learned to sew at her mother's knee and to embroider at her grandmother's. She has pursued the historic costuming hobby for thirty years and has taught many costuming workshops for the Greater Bay Area Costumers Guild (GBACG) and Costume College, and served on the board of the Greater Bay Area Costumers Guild for 10 years as Newsletter Editor, Events Coordinator, and President.

✿ MATERIALS LIST ✿    •    Registration Form

         Beginning Sashiko
         with Pattie Klimek

         Saturday, March 1 — 12:30 to 3:30 PM
           $46 + $15 kit fee (payable to instructor - cash preferred)

Learn to do the traditional and beautiful Japanese art of Sashiko. This functional embroidery started as a practical mending stitch for textiles and has become an art. Learn the running stitch technique and how to use Japanese stitchers' patterns, threads, and supplies. We will start on a set of coasters that use the basic patterns that can be adapted to decorate garments, quilts, or decorative projects for the home. We will do the stitching in class and Pattie will give you instructions to follow so you can finish the project at home.

PREREQUISITES: Some basic sewing skills.

MATERIALS: Pattie will supply 3 separate Sashiko patterns preprinted on cotton/linen cloth and class handouts for a $15.00 kit fee. Please bring cash. Lacis Museum carries sashiko needles, thimbles, thread, and scissors in our shop, if you should need them.

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Pattie Klimek is a traditional hand-quilter, -piecer, and -embroiderer who works in the San Francisco Bay Area, the home of Art and Contemporary Quilters. Her goal is to remind quilters of the Joy of Handwork, and she lectures and teaches at quilt stores and guilds to remind us of the techniques we learned from our mothers and grandmothers — along with her own versions.

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         Intro to Embroidery: Magpie
         with Laura Tandeske

         Tues. Mar. 4 - or - Sat. Mar. 8— 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
           $38 + $5 kit fee

This will be a fun and interactive surface embroidery course that is perfect for the first-time embroiderer. You will learn how to thread a needle, tie a knot, and stitch three core embroidery stitches constructing your own magpie. This is the perfect prequel course for Foundations. You will learn tips and techniques that you just can't get anywhere else!

Laura's Website   •   Registration Form

         Beginning Tatting
         with Kevin Baum

         Saturday, March 15 — 12:30 to 4:00 PM

Have you admired tatting and wondered if you could be able to tat? Very few stitches must be mastered to create beautiful tatted works of art. This beginner class will get you on track for shuttle tatting by teaching you the tools and techniques.
     You will concentrate on learning the double stitch, which all shuttle tatting is based on. Once the double stitch has been mastered, you'll learn to make rings and picots. The goal of these classes is to create, with practice, a simple edging of connected rings and picots.

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         How to Embroider on Clothes
         with Laura Tandeske

         Tues., Mar. 11 -or- Sat., Mar. 15— 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
           $45 + $5 optional kit fee

Embroidering on clothes is a great way to express yourself! The embroidery can be a decorative border, a meaningful symbol, fun flowers, or anything else you can think of. We will go over the best clothes to embroider on and how to do it, including how to transfer a design. This is a perfect class for the beginner or experienced embroiderer. Please bring any clothes you would like to embroider.

Laura's Website    •    Registration Form

         Embroidery Lettering
         with Laura Tandeske

         Tues., Mar. 18 -or- Sat., Mar. 22— 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
           $45 + $5 optional kit fee

In this course you will learn multiple techniques to do embroidery lettering. You will be able to personalize your embroidery with names, dates, poems, statements, any kind of writing you can think of! This class is perfect for beginners or experienced embroiderers alike. You will learn techniques and tips that you just can’t get from books!

Laura's Website    •    Registration Form

         Freestyle Flower Embroidery
         with Laura Tandeske

         Tues., Mar. 25 -or- Sat., Mar. 29— 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
           $45 + $5 optional kit fee

Flowers are so much fun to embroider! Bring color and joy to any embroidery project by adding flowers. Laura will teach basic stitches used to make flowers, leaves, and stems. We will talk about basic design practices to make your design really pop. This course is perfect for the beginner or experienced stitcher.

Laura's Website    •    Registration Form

         All About Bullions
         with Laura Tandeske

         Tues., April 1 -or- Sat., April 5— 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
           $45 + $5 optional kit fee

In this course you will learn how to create embroidered bullion knots. There are many different variations on this technique that are surprising and so fun! There is no set design for this class, just practice and discovery of the bullion knot. Experience threading a needle, tying a knot, and a few embroidered stitches is advised for this class.

Laura's Website    •    Registration Form

         Crazy Quilt Embroidery Stitches
         with Laura Tandeske

         Tues., April 8 -or- Sat., April 12— 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
           $45 + $5 optional kit fee

Crazy Quilts were popular in the Victorian era when every scrap of fabric was too precious to waste. Quilts were made out of small pieces of fabric and embellished with embroidery stitches on all the seams. This class teaches the basic stitches and how to put them together for an endless variety of beautiful edges. Here's a workshop good for beginners and experienced stitchers alike!

Laura's Website    •    Registration Form

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© 2021 Lacis Museum of Lace & Textiles

2982 Adeline St., Berkeley, CA 94703